3 Easy Ways To Crank Up The Sales Volume
1. Supersize It!
Okay, okay… the actual marketing term here upsell it, but the word association takes me to a big Company. You've been there… you pull up to the window, place your order, and they always say… "Would you like to supersize that?"
What bugs me is that I instinctively say, "Yes!" After all, I'm getting nearly twice the amount of fries and beverages for a few cents more. We won't discuss the fact that a person with normal size kidneys couldn't possibly drink the supersized drink before it goes flat… and that if I were to eat all of the supersized fries, I'd be a perfect advertisement for an acne medicine company… but hey, I got a good deal!
When your customers have their wallets out and are reaching for their money, they are ripe for shelling out just a few more bucks to sweeten the