December 22, 2021

Write on your business card

Write on your business card


 Like most salespeople, I visit a considerable number of clients and prospects every month; some end up buying, some do not, but every one of them has my business card. I attend business breakfasts, seminars, and other networking events to search for new contacts and ultimately new business; each person I meet also gets a business card.

A few years ago, I realized that I not only hand out a massive number of cards, but I also receive a fair few myself. I decided to go back through some of the older ones to see if I could find some new prospects. As I started to sift through them, I realized that most cards are meaningless in isolation. Unless you work for one of the few companies whose name reflects what you do, you may as well be writing your telephone number on a piece of paper and forgetting to add your name.

ABC Company
 Mr. Bob Jones
 General Manager
 Telephone number
 Mobile number
 Fax number
 Email address

Without going online and looking at every website, I have no idea what the companies do!

Likewise, all those people I had been diligently handing my business card to had every conceivable method of contacting me, written there in black and white, but no idea what I do! It's my job as a salesperson to put my face about, make sure I am always contactable, and remember as much as I can about all my prospects (with perhaps, a little help from my CRM). My prospects are also everyone else's; they do not need to remember me, so they need a little help.

I realized the solution is simple. WRITE ON YOUR BUSINESS CARDS!!!

Here is the scenario: The prospect gets back to the office one day and is told they need a new widget supplier; it's his job to find one. He remembers speaking to a few suppliers at the seminar but can't remember exactly who, so he quickly flips through the cards collected, then, he comes across one, he can't remember the name or the face to match it, but, in excellent clear writing, it says Widgets, budget to high end Who gets invited in for a meeting?

I'm one of those people who guard my business cards at meetings. I wouldn't say I like meaningless cardboard connections (exchanging business cards without a purpose). I'm put off by someone who says, "Hello, my name is…. Here is my business card. Can I have yours?" I suspect that I will put be on someone's junk mail list. However, by first striking a chord, you've accomplished something essential in your networking mission — you've found a reason to extend the relationship beyond the event at which you met.

Not all prospects you meet will fit your ideal client (or center of influence) profile. This is especially true since I have a highly specialized niche. Focus your attention on those who meet your criteria. Jot down notes on the back of the card (the reason for the solid connection), and then you'll have a conversation point in which to build your relationship at the next meeting or in your correspondence. Follow up quickly after the meeting by sending the information you promised.







December 20, 2021

Why Corporate Identity is a Very Powerful Communication Branding Tools


Why Corporate Identity is a Very Powerful Communication Branding Tools

Corporate identity is very much achieved by the company's brand building and marketing strategies. So how is a brand built? It is done through the help of branding tools like logo designs, business cards and brochures. Brochures and advertisements are the most potent communication branding tools as you get to distribute them to anyone around your locality. You can make brochures describing your company, its specialties, and services to the public, thus making them aware of your presence! Once more people get to know about your services and facilities, more people come to you to try them out, thus making your company a better success!

It should be made sure that all marketing communication material has the corporate logo, thus enhancing your credibility as a professional enterprise. The reason for the need for all marketing communication to have a corporate logo is that this is the thing that will be handed over to the public as an advertisement. You hand out business cards for potential clients to remember you and your company; there will be incidents wherein you have to send letters to different companies. If you send these letters through letterheads with your company logo, the recipient company will remember you better for future correspondence and dealings. Therefore, one can see that the brand has to be enhanced or built to enhance the corporate identity. We do this through marketing strategies,

December 19, 2021

The Great Importance of Doing Business with Ethics

The Great Importance of Doing Business with Ethics


 Money makes the world go round for most people, and business bears that money. Business people will perhaps do anything to achieve the ultimate goal of having a business, and that is to earn income. Net profit or income financially means a surplus of sales or revenues after deducting costs and expenses. Whether you are engaged in profession, occupation, work, or trade, you are in business and speak income. You suffer taxes when you earn an income, the worst nightmare for every income earner. Income tax is your punishment for doing well in business. This sounds ridiculous, but this is the reality, you pay when you earn. Because tax is legislative, noncompliance to this would result in crimes. This thing called income tax had already made billions of liars worldwide. Some governments impose taxes which are already too much to burden the flow of business. Others make tax laws that are already beyond the ability of taxpayers. However, these facts must not result in an enormous number of dishonest people in the world.

Ethics in business rarely exists nowadays. Perhaps it is because, for most people, profit will come without the need for business ethics. This, I'm afraid, I have to disagree with. The word ethics is derived from the Greek word ethnos, which means ""character,"" and from the Latin word mores, which means

December 18, 2021

3 Myths That Ruin Meetings

3 Myths That Ruin Meetings


These myths have cost companies billions of dollars in wasted payroll money.

Myth #1) Structure spoils spontaneity.

I once attended a two-day-long disaster that efficiently cost over $40,000. Thirty people spent the first hour seeking an issue to discuss, then spent the next 15 hours arguing over insolvable problems. When I asked the manager, who called the meeting, “Where’s the agenda?” the reply was, “I didn’t want to spoil the spontaneity by imposing a structure.”

Reality: If spontaneity were a universally sound business practice, we would build buildings without blueprints. Of course, no intelligent business leader works without a plan.

The Fix: Set a goal and then prepare a plan. Ideally, this plan should be so clear, complete, and specific that someone else could use it to lead the

December 17, 2021

3 Easy Ways To Crank Up The Sales Volume


3 Easy Ways To Crank Up The Sales Volume

 1. Supersize It!
 Okay, okay… the actual marketing term here upsell it, but the word association takes me to a big Company. You've been there… you pull up to the window, place your order, and they always say… "Would you like to supersize that?"

What bugs me is that I instinctively say, "Yes!" After all, I'm getting nearly twice the amount of fries and beverages for a few cents more. We won't discuss the fact that a person with normal size kidneys couldn't possibly drink the supersized drink before it goes flat… and that if I were to eat all of the supersized fries, I'd be a perfect advertisement for an acne medicine company… but hey, I got a good deal!

When your customers have their wallets out and are reaching for their money, they are ripe for shelling out just a few more bucks to sweeten the

December 16, 2021

Your Preferences – As Unique As Your Fingerprints


Your Preferences – As Unique As Your Fingerprints

Would life be different if you believed that everything you love and enjoy is just right for you?

What would happen if you knew yourself so well you could say with confidence, “No, thank you, I prefer….”

How would you look at others if you understood that their choices are perfect for them?

The Law of Attraction teaches us to recognize our personal preferences by noticing how things feel and asking ourselves, “Which feels better? This or that?” When we take the time to see our feelings, we learn about ourselves to lead to great personal freedom and happiness.

Before I learned about the Law of Attraction and how I attract people, situations, and opportunities in complete accord with my vibration (vibes), I tried to live by a set of standards or principles. I remember when I asked my pastor if he

December 15, 2021

Women’s Career Tips: How to Land a Great Magazine Job

Women’s Career Tips: How to Land a Great Magazine Job


New media jobs are opening every day for women of all ages and backgrounds, such as media sales jobs, relations jobs, and many others. Magazine jobs are prevalent among women. Career women often enjoy the thrill of working on a busy magazine editing staff, photography staff, or working as a writer.

Magazine employment offers many advantages for women. Magazines often provide excellent career pay and benefits for a good, upscale office environment. Also, many magazines (especially online publications) allow women workers to telecommute to work flexible hours and stay home with their children.

Choose a Magazine Career

There are many magazine jobs for women requiring various skills such as typing, editing, photography, graphic design, newsletter layout, writing, management, advertising, printing, and computer skills. One large magazine might employ hundreds of people on staff or as freelancers. Women can select a magazine career based on their unique talents and what type of work they enjoy. They should consider what’s required for the job and have had proper training in

December 14, 2021

Ways You Can Manifest Money Quickly and Easily


Ways You Can Manifest Money Quickly and Easily

The words quick and easy don't seem believable when manifesting money. Most everyone has the mindset that if you want money, it has to come with hard work.

 It may just be true that complex works are necessary; however, it all depends on what sort of hard work you need to engage in to manifest money quickly and easily.

The whole concept of manifesting requires a deep understanding of your relation to your physical reality and yourself and your alignment with what you want. You know when you are aligned with something by the way you feel when you focus on it. If you feel joyful, then you have opened yourself up to the flow of the

December 13, 2021

7 Spells To Unstoppable Magnetic Attraction


7 Spells To Unstoppable Magnetic Attraction

Beauty holds a golden mirror to the shimmering inner essence. It reflects accurate self-perception as well as the extent of one's discipline.

Attractiveness indicates sensitivity to those around us. Just as we shine our shoes, wash our cars or trim our lawns to provide eye candy to passers-by, we keep our bodies in the pink of health to offer delightful icons worthy of emulation.

I believe that beauty is not trivial; it is core to civilized society. Imagine everyone abandoning restraint and shuffling around in tattered clothes, drooping bellies, messy hair, blackened fingernails, and breath so foul only a mother could love? No one would be happy- except the mouthwash manufacturers. Those who shun beauty as superficial are probably too lazy to reach for a bar of