January 24, 2022

The Secret of Self-Esteem


The Secret of Self-Esteem

Have you ever thought about what creates self-esteem? Having a deep sense of inner worth is essential to all of us, but many people have some false beliefs about what builds confidence in our merit as individuals.


Some of the common false beliefs regarding what creates self-esteem are:

* I will feel good about myself when I'm making $______(fill in the amount) a year.

* I will feel worthy when I am in a relationship with a (beautiful) (handsome) (wealthy) (loving) (fill in own) person.

* I will feel worthy when I get enough approval from enough people.

* I will feel adequate when I have a baby.

* I will feel adequate when_______( fill in the desired outcome that you attach to your sense of worth).


However, many people have all of the above and still do not feel deep self-esteem. That's because self-esteem has nothing to do with anything external, such as looks, approval, money, relationships with others, or having a baby.

January 23, 2022

Ways To Improve Your Lifestyle

Ways To Improve Your Lifestyle

Are you looking at ways to improve your lifestyle? Are you bored in your current role of employment? Do you think you could be achieving a lot more than you are at the moment? Are you seeking a new challenge? In this article, I advise how people can improve their lifestyle; this advice is based on my personal experiences.


I believe that we should always be looking into expanding our knowledge and never accept second best. The brain is mighty and loves to be set a new challenge or learn a new task. It is what keeps it alive and ticking over. I am sure that we have all heard of the phrase; I think this job makes me brain dead. This is where someone has a role in employment that is not challenging them or their brain, which can lead them into a state of boredom and even depression. Their mind and brains are desperate for something to get to grips with and something to test them.


I am always looking into finding new areas of life which I can learn about. I have recently been attempting to educate myself on the ins and outs of website promotion. This is something that is of great interest to me, and I wanted to find out how you can increase the number of visitors you have to a website. I have spent a great deal of time studying this area, and even though

January 22, 2022

What you need to know about NLP and Life Coach


What you need to know about NLP and Life Coach

What you need to know about NLP and Life Coach Training


Feeling frustrated by your job is a widespread occurrence. Many people think they are in a lower position capable of performing and are not quite sure how to get to the next level of responsibility. Much of this is caused by how we have programmed our brains to think and react to situations. An NLP training course can help.


A Brief Definition of Neuro-linguistic programming

Neuro-linguistic programming, or NLP, is a set of models of how communication impacts and is impacted by subjective experience. In addition to being a change agent, NLP is also used in psychotherapy treatments for problems as diverse as phobias and schizophrenia. NLP also aims at transforming corporations, showing them how to accomplish their maximum potential and achieve great success.


The developers of NLP

The theories and application of NLP were co-created by two men in the 1970s. One a linguist, John Grinder and his partner Richard Bandler. The initial focus of their experiments in NLP was to discover what gave three psychotherapists the advantage in successfully treating their clients. These three psychotherapists, gestalt therapist Fritz Perls, family therapist Virginia Satir and founding president of the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis, Milton H. Erickson, were more successful in treatment than their peers.


Timeline of NLP

 1970: Founding and early development

 1972: Research of Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir, and Milton H. Erickson begin.

 1975: Subsequently Structure of Magic Series published

 1976-77: Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson published

 1979: Frogs into Princes: Neuro-Linguistic Programming published

 1980: Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Volume I published

 1980: Bandler and Grinder go their separate ways

 1981: The first of many intellectual property lawsuits begin. NLP Training courses began to be developed by many individuals. Given the diversity of developers and trainers, there is no single definitive system of NLP.

 1982-87: Grinder and Judith DeLozier collaborated to develop the New Code of NLP.

 1984-87: Research reviews in experimental counseling psychology by the United States National Research Council gave NLP an overall negative assessment marking a decrease in NLP research interest

 1988-89: Bandler develops Design Human Engineering and later Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning

 The 1990s: In the UK and other countries, certification of NLP courses and providers begins

 1996-97: Bandler files suit against Grinder, claiming trademark infringement and intellectual property ownership of NLP.


Where the co-creators are now

The end of 2000 achieved a settlement between Bandler and Grinder when they agreed; they are the co-creators and co-founders of the technology of Neuro-linguistic Programming.


Richard Bandler is currently with The Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and John Grinder can be found at The International Trainers Academy of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.


NLP Today

NLP continues to be an open field of training with different trainers and practitioners developing their methods and concepts. One common thread in NLP emphasizes teaching various communication and persuasion skills and using self-hypnosis to motivate and change oneself. With numerous NLP practitioners advertising on the Internet today, many of their standards and quality of courses may differ. When searching for NLP Training courses, make sure to choose an organization with a good reputation.



Photo:  https://pixabay.com




January 21, 2022

What Stops You?

What Stops You?

Have you ever had a terrific idea that you didn't act on? Of course, you have. I don't mean anything fancy either. Nothing earth-shattering. Just a plain old-fashioned good idea which would have made you more money. But you didn't get moving on it.


Oh well.

I have a friend I'll call James. James is an independent management consultant and a deep, creative thinker. I have great respect for his ability to understand his clients and develop unique solutions for them. But he isn't very successful. His business is ok but hardly booming–and indeed not where he says he'd like it to be. He works with interesting people–just never enough of them. And aside from soliciting referrals, he does nothing to increase his overall practice.


The funny thing is, this guy has more brilliant ideas about building his business than anyone I know. The problem is he doesn't implement any of them. James is just one of those who stops before he ever gets started.

January 20, 2022

What Are the 7 Proven Principles of Business Success? (Part 2)


What Are the 7 Proven Principles of Business Success? (Part 2)

Principle 5: Build foundations for growth.


 If you want to build your business to provide a lavish lifestyle, you need to build foundations, just like making any building. If you don't intend to increase your profits, you don't need foundations. If you want to seriously improve your net profit percentage (even without increasing turnover), you must have firm foundations. When they build a skyscraper, they don't build up; they dig a big hole down.


The foundations in business are two things. It is first, having documented systems. A system is the best way of doing something everyone knows and uses, identifies, and writes down. It helps consistency and efficiency, and as you grow, people are accountable to the systems, not to you, the owner. That means you save time checking on everyone. Plans only work when you have worked with your staff to become a TEAM.


Secondly, measuring everything is part of building foundations. If you haven't measured your Key Performance Indicators, how will you improve on them? Increasing Net Profit percentage of turnover comes from improving everything you currently do, remember?

January 19, 2022

What Are the 7 Proven Principles of Business Success? (Part 1)


What Are the 7 Proven Principles of Business Success? (Part 1)

The 7 Proven Principles to Business Success will overcome whatever limitation you have. Think of it as a recipe for business success. All you have to do is, first of all, learn what the seven principles are and then apply them in order. When you follow this recipe, all of your challenges will fade away.


Why do you own a business? Isn't it because you want a LIFESTYLE? You didn't intend to work long hours, be stressed, have little time off, and be hassled with staff and customers, did you?


Isn't it time you made some changes for the better? After all, if you want to change some things in your life, you have to change some things. If you're ready for a change, here's the magic recipe you need to follow…



Principle 1: Work on yourself to understand people.


 Business is all about people. You have them as customers and employ them, but few people have realized the absolute key to success is understanding people at a much higher level. Your sales and marketing skills are determined by what you know about people. Your leadership skills with your staff to perform as well as you do are determined by your knowledge of people.


So what's the best way to learn about other people? Easy, learn about yourself! You're a people, and the more you know about yourself, the more you automatically learn about others.

January 18, 2022

What’s a Niche, and How Do You Find One?

What’s a Niche, and How Do You Find One?

According to Wikipedia, a niche is “a special place within the scheme of things.” Niche marketing is defined as “the process of finding and serving small but potentially profitable market segments and designing custom-made products or services for them.” So it’s all about finding your unique place and the products and services that fit.


Right from the start, you should understand that your goal in discovering a niche is to concentrate all your ideas and thoughts into the most precise, concise, and focused concept possible. Your potential audience is everyone in the world with computer access and an interest in your site’s topic. Your potential information resources are everything known about that topic. So you want to be sure to have enough information to fill hundreds of pages eventually, and you want to narrow your focus enough that you can be perceived as an expert, as “THE place to go” for information, products, and services.


If your only interest is making money online, this is a challenging area to build a website around these days. That niche was “hot” eight years ago. Most successful internet entrepreneurs in that area say they would not attempt breaking into that niche if they were starting today. There’s just too much competition; there are way too many experts already. Breaking into a niche market using keywords like “make money at home,” “work at home,” “home business” is next to impossible. There are billions of niches out there; find yours.

January 17, 2022

Why Women In Small Business Must Have A Web Site?

Why Women In Small Business Must Have A Web Site?

Why Women In Small Business Must Have A Web Site?


In recent years we’ve seen a HUGE increase in the number of small businesses owned by women. This growth has been so dramatic that millions of people now think of women when they visualize who owns the companies they buy from.


Women everywhere deserve a big pat on the back for this fantastic accomplishment. But as is always the case for small business owners, there is still a lot of work to be done.


The one thing your small business MUST have is a website. Sure, ten years ago, having a site was an option many small businesses could do without. But that is no longer the case. Here’s why:


* These days, consumers and business leaders are more likely to use search engines than the Yellow Pages. They’ll type the name of your town and your type of business into Google and start their research from there.

January 16, 2022

Work For Moms, At Home


Work For Moms, At Home

Most moms are looking to stay at home to spend more time with their family and enjoy a less stressful life. It used to be that only a tiny percentage was working from home because of the fear factor. It is much more popular now because they see their friends successful working at home and have a burning desire to do the same.


Recently my daughter went away on a planned moms-only weekend trip, met some work-at-home ladies, and immediately called me when she got back wanting to know what program I thought she could do. She wants to have a home-based business like many of the other ladies she met. I always encourage this arena for moms because I don’t think anyone can better raise their children than their parents. More time with her children will usually pay big dividends later on in life.

The popularity of moms looking to work from home can be easily seen by looking at just a few of the keywords searched for on the major search engines daily. They are phrases like work for stay at home moms, stay at home moms work from home, work at home for stay home moms, work at home jobs for stay at home moms, work from home jobs for stay at home moms, online work for stay at home moms, and stay home moms returning to work. These are just a few of the hundreds of searches made hourly.