November 8, 2021

Web Promotion

Web Promotion

Web promotion is a marketing technique, new terminology for marketing. In today's fierce marketing arena, producers of goods and services need effective advertising and promotion and innovative and inexpensive means to sell their products. Online business creates an opportunity for one to reach out to the markets within and outside one focus. The idea of web promotion is no longer a passing fad but a prerequisite to remain in business.

Web Site Content and How to Succeed with Article Marketing

Web Site Content and How to Succeed with Article Marketing


It is evident that whatever changes Google and other search engines make in the future, still the game will be about quality website content. Logically today, we observe the increase of attention to website content, and everything that helps to score better with content over the Internet has gained great demand.

No one was talking about article marketing a year ago, and now this keyword is searched by thousands. Articles give you publicity, better scoring with search engines, higher ranking. Articles are the peak of a content game at the moment,

Webtraffic Tips

Webtraffic Tips


The hardest part of creating a new website is getting actual people to look at your website as a novice website developer. The next great idea seems to be the easy part, but it will never be a real success if you are the only person reading your work. I have been experimenting with this problem, and here are some things that seem to work for me.

1. Social Bookmarking this is my number one pick because in enormous, it has brought the lions to share of the traffic to my website; some great sites do this is my favorite it seems to be one of the most popular at the

November 6, 2021



Automating your online business is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure your success on the internet.

If you have been on the internet at any time, you know that there are just too many tasks to do each day to be really efficient and productive with them all.


Learning to delegate some of those routine, daily activities is one way to ensure your site’s success and give you much more time in the day for the most essential task of Promotion and marketing your site.


Why You Should Blog!


Why You Should Blog!

I have been blogging for just over two months now. Many of my mentoring students have been asking for my advice on blogging. I have so far hesitated to teach much about blogging because it's not something I feel I know yet, and I feel much more comfortable teaching about things I know.

Well, I took a look at Alexa today and noticed that this blog almost hit the top 10,000 most visited sites on the Internet today. I have seen success with many of the methods that are unique to blog promotion. I felt it was time to write a post about blog promotion BUT WAIT! I haven't even explained why I have this blog thing. I can't really jump into getting traffic to your blog without explaining why I have a blog and why you should have one, too; now can I?

Back to uniqueness: The Rich Jerk “Making Money on the internet is Easy” e-book Review

Back to uniqueness: The Rich Jerk “Making Money on the
internet is Easy” e-book Review


During the past 6 years, The Rich Jerk made over $13 million online, and he is well known for his website e-bay auction (sold at $379’000). You see the point: he is not a newbie, and his methods are really efficient. The goal of this book is to deliver his best cash-generating methods.

The value proposition

The Rich Jerk claims :

* To reveal the unorthodox marketing methods that brought him millions of dollars each year

 * That most of his techniques have never been seen

 * That he is better than you because he’s richer!


Another way to make a lot of money on the internet is  HERE

November 5, 2021

The Ministry of Freedom: It Helped To Make Me One of Them!

The Ministry of Freedom: It Helped To Make Me One of Them!


What Is Ministry of Freedom All About?

So, what is Wealthy Affiliate all about? The sales page makes a lot of promises but doesn't give you much detail at all. So let me fill you in!

Ministry of Freedom is a membership site that has been put together by Jono. Once joined, these promise to guide you through the jungle at Internet Marketing. Well, I joined in July of this year, and here's what I found.

Which Affiliate Marketing Mentor

Which Affiliate Marketing Mentor


Affiliate marketing has been in the Internet industry for some time now, and it’s one of the most popular tools employed by several online entrepreneurs nowadays. It’s a capital pick for those who would like to put up an online business quickly and inexpensively. Even so, there’s still a large population who acknowledges a little or still zero about it. And most of the people who have barely discovered this business typically assume that they can reasonably make big money out of it. Well, they are definitely wrong.

Being successful in the affiliate marketing business is not a leisurely project and will never occur overnight. It's simply like an in-progress assignment where you want to check and try several advertising strategies and tactics. This could even call for you to sign up with various affiliate programs to find which merchants perform all right.

Why Affiliate Programs Are The Best Training Ground For Internet Marketing Newbies


Why Affiliate Programs Are The Best Training Ground For
Internet Marketing Newbies

Making money online can be a long and complicated process. Promoting your own products is one thing, but when you're just starting out and want to make some money, where do you start? The answer: affiliate programs.

This article focuses on the big picture, the whys of affiliate programs. The following article will talk about the hows or promoting affiliate programs.

Affiliate programs are easy to implement and simple to understand.

I found the best program and right person to learn how to make this. For more details  HERE