November 6, 2021

Back to uniqueness: The Rich Jerk “Making Money on the internet is Easy” e-book Review

Back to uniqueness: The Rich Jerk “Making Money on the
internet is Easy” e-book Review


During the past 6 years, The Rich Jerk made over $13 million online, and he is well known for his website e-bay auction (sold at $379’000). You see the point: he is not a newbie, and his methods are really efficient. The goal of this book is to deliver his best cash-generating methods.

The value proposition

The Rich Jerk claims :

* To reveal the unorthodox marketing methods that brought him millions of dollars each year

 * That most of his techniques have never been seen

 * That he is better than you because he’s richer!


Another way to make a lot of money on the internet is  HERE

The Rich Jerk e-book description

* 40 pages

 * 8 chapters covering the topic “Make Money on the internet.”

 * Filled with The Rich Jerk personal experiences, tips, and tricks to cover the “is Easy” topic

 * Written in a direct and clear style to go straight to the point

 * For 97$

 * 45 days money-back guarantee (the Rich Jerk offers 200% refunds under conditions)

The perceived value

 Overall opinion

 An outstanding resource that covers in a synthetic style the essence of Internet Marketing Methods targeted to exploit the present opportunities of the Internet in a profitable way

 The Rich Jerk value proposition is definitely delivered, although the style and humor can be disturbing for some. Just follow The Rich Jerk to read its astonishing sales copy.

 This is the first time I left an e-book with a positive feeling and motivation to try some really new and effective marketing methods.

 This was such a good surprise that I decided to start this page to review and finally promote the book.

 Specific comments on The Rich Jerk e-book

 Everyone reading those lines know that to develop an internet business, you need :

* An idea, a targeted and profitable niche, a business model

 * A performing and optimized website matching your goals and your business model

 * Targeted traffic

 * Relationship management

Most of the “how to make money online” either cover a particular topic (Google AdWords, for example) either cover all the topics broadly.

 Finally, you end up with these e-books (or audio tapes…)with a “So what???” in mind.

 The Rich Jerk method is about this “So what” as it tells the reader in a direct (autocratic) way what to do precisely to reach the sky.

The power and the value of this book come from :

* The concrete description of the most relevant methods: how it should be used to get the most of it

 o Creating an effective affiliate website that sells

 o Unique search engines PPC strategies

 o Search engine optimization strategies

 o Creating and marketing informational product

 o Buying & Selling wholesale goods

 o Easy and profitable Websites to set up quickly

 o Other online ventures to consider

* Useful tips and tricks for each of these methods and strategies…some are really worth 1000’s $

 * The overall organization of the book, which proves to what extent The Rich Jerk masters the subject and has just picked up the most relevant tools with the best examples and applications


The main drawbacks are :

* The apparent “Big Head” of the Rich Jerk

* The chapter concerning online ventures (small one indeed) is a little bit off-topic

The bottom line for The Rich Jerk is

“Making Money on the internet is Easy.”


* This book is a must-have if you’re serious about making money on the Internet. These 40 pages are full of valuable content and act as a genuine motivation to try many things by yourself. You can be new to Internet Marketing, and you’ll have a lot to test from this book. If you’re an experienced marketer, you’ll find a lot of tips to boost your income.

 * Of course, you won’t find the Million dollar secret that could make you rich by tomorrow.

 * If you’re not ready to make some efforts to develop your business, then this book is not for you.

 * If you plan to succeed, then this book will be your guide




