January 31, 2022

Personal Power


Personal Power

All of us would love to have personal power, the power to manifest our dreams, the ability to remain calm and loving in the face of fear, the power to stay centered in ourselves in the front of attack.


Our society often confuses personal power – power within – with power over, controlling others. There is a vast difference between personal power and control.

Personal power comes from an inner sense of security, from knowing who you are in your soul to have defined your intrinsic worth. The energy flows through you when you are connected to and feel your oneness with a spiritual source of guidance. The power is the eventual result of doing deep inner, emotional, and spiritual work to heal childhood fears and false beliefs.


Without this inner work to heal the beliefs that create our limitations, we are stuck in our egos, our wounded selves. The very basis of the ego is the desire for control, power over others, and outcomes.


Our ego is the Self we created to attempt to control getting love, avoiding pain, and feeling safe. We made our ego self protect ourselves from the losses we fear: loss of Self, loss of other, loss of security, and loss of face. As children, when we didn't get the love we needed, we decided that our true Self must be unlovable. In our attempt to feel safe, we buried our true Self and created the false Self, the ego, our wounded Self. The ego-self then learned how to feel safe by trying to control others and outcomes. The ego believes that having control over how people see us and think of us and the development of things will give us the safety we seek.

January 30, 2022

Phobia Of Speech


Phobia Of Speech

This article is about the fear and phobia of speech. Not everybody can talk fluently in all situations, and life can be pretty tough for people who aren’t. I hope you enjoy reading the article.


My name is Steve Hill from Birmingham in England. In childhood, I developed a stutter, or as some people call it, a stammer. My parents tell me it started when I was four years of age.


Speaking phobia at school

Despite regular speech therapy over the next fourteen years, the stutter became worse. I remember pretty clearly the fear of reading out from a book in class. Walking into the classroom, for example, an English lesson, I would see a book on each desk. I would start to panic straight away, believing the teacher would make me read a paragraph. Just waiting my turn, knowing that it would result in yet another one of stuttering moments, would be torture.

January 29, 2022

Positive Mind, Successful Life


Positive Mind, Successful Life

It took me a long time to realize the benefits of positive thinking. I had often heard people mention that if you think positive things will happen to you, I used to think they were a bit weird. I now believe they were right, and this article explains why.


Growing up through the difficult teenage years and into my early twenties, I felt very sorry. I had a bald patch the size of a ten-pence piece on my head, a speech impediment(stutter), overweight to the point of being fat, and short for a male(5ft4). I used to think I was the unluckiest person in the world.


I believed that I received more mickey taking out of me than anyone else, and life was certainly a struggle. To meet members of the opposite sex when you lack confidence and have a speech impediment is not easy. To gain work, order drinks, socialize in general were all difficult for me. Everyone else seemingly breezed and eased their way through life.

January 28, 2022

Strategy For Success

Strategy For Success

In the quest to achieve success and accomplishment in our lives, a systematic plan of action is needed. Without a plan, even the most significant efforts will be ineffective, eventually degenerating into frustration and wasted time. A guided program allows one to utilize their talents and competencies to the fullest by focusing on a specific outcome in a coordinated and strategic manner. The power of concentrated effort should never be underestimated. A strategy that one should emulate from the world of sports is always seeking to play their game in the competition. One should never be forced into the position of trying to be successful by operating under conditions strategically beneficial to the opposing team. In other words, in seeking success in today's competitive environment, a professional should design an action plan around their strengths and competencies. Play to your strengths and not to your weakness.


There is always more than one way to the mountain top; a striving professional should ensure that the path they choose is the one that utilizes their talents and skillsets to the fullest.

January 27, 2022

The Courage to Say Yes


The Courage to Say Yes

In a culture full of reasons to say “no,” it takes a lot of courage to find ways to say “yes.”


After all, we’re taught to say “no” from a very young age. Our first word was “no,” and it quickly became our favorite word for most of us. As toddlers and teenagers, we used “no” to differentiate ourselves from our parents, peers, and surroundings. It’s how we began to control what was happening around us, or at least, how we tried to prevent that. It helped us over those early developmental hurdles and gave us our earliest sense of our boundaries — and that’s a lot of significance bound up in such a tiny word!


The problem isn’t that “no” in and of itself is somehow wrong; indeed, permitting yourself to say “no” as an adult can keep you out of an awful lot of trouble.


The problem is that “No” begins to take on a life of its own. Too often, that life is yours.


Life is change, and “no” becomes a way of slowing down that change or trying to stop it altogether. Rather than riding the wave of change into a life full of exciting possibilities, we use “no” as a rope to keep us safely confined to the kiddie pool. It is a shield we use to protect ourselves from having to experience anything new or different.

January 26, 2022

The Key To Self Discipline


The Key To Self Discipline

Self-discipline starts with the ability to control your behavior. That means motivating yourself to do what you need to do and stopping yourself from doing bad things for yourself. The "ability to control" is just the start, though, and real discipline is when you have trained your mind in such a way that you consistently get the behavior you want.


Discipline may appear to be a problem of willpower. However, this implies just pushing ourselves more challenging to do things, even when we feel miserable or fighting temptations. It's a good recipe for stress and disappointment, but better ways to a disciplined life.


Self Discipline Tips

Have you ever stayed up all night talking about something interesting? Then you know what power the mind has over the body. Sleep can be put off when we are motivated by a passionate discussion, and it doesn't take much willpower to keep doing something when you are enjoying it. That gives us a key to self-discipline.

January 25, 2022

The Need to Feel Special


The Need to Feel Special

From the time Jennifer was a little child, she demanded attention, especially from her mother, Sarah. Jennifer had a special place in the family as the baby and the only girl with two older brothers. She made sure to establish a special relationship with her mother, who relished the connection since she didn't have much of a relationship with her emotionally distant husband.


It was easy for Jennifer to control her mother's attention. Because her mother was needy for emotional connection and afraid of not being liked, all Jennifer had to do was get angry at her mother, and Sarah would capitulate, giving Jennifer the attention she craved. Jennifer learned early to control her mother by becoming angry, critical, and withholding love when she didn't do what she wanted. Unwittingly, Sarah contributed to Jennifer's neediness, entitlement issues, and the belief that happiness depended on approval and attention from others.


In her late 30s, Jennifer finds herself continuing the pattern she started with her mother – attaching to others in needy and demanding ways. The result is she has not been able to have a successful relationship with any of the men she has dated.

We all need to feel special. It is not the need that is dysfunctional; it is how we get the need met that can be either dysfunctional or healthy. It is dysfunctional when we make others responsible for making us feel special. When others have to give us attention, compliment us, seek us out, and attend to our wants and needs for us to feel special, our behavior is dysfunctional.

January 24, 2022

The Secret of Self-Esteem


The Secret of Self-Esteem

Have you ever thought about what creates self-esteem? Having a deep sense of inner worth is essential to all of us, but many people have some false beliefs about what builds confidence in our merit as individuals.


Some of the common false beliefs regarding what creates self-esteem are:

* I will feel good about myself when I'm making $______(fill in the amount) a year.

* I will feel worthy when I am in a relationship with a (beautiful) (handsome) (wealthy) (loving) (fill in own) person.

* I will feel worthy when I get enough approval from enough people.

* I will feel adequate when I have a baby.

* I will feel adequate when_______( fill in the desired outcome that you attach to your sense of worth).


However, many people have all of the above and still do not feel deep self-esteem. That's because self-esteem has nothing to do with anything external, such as looks, approval, money, relationships with others, or having a baby.

January 23, 2022

Ways To Improve Your Lifestyle

Ways To Improve Your Lifestyle

Are you looking at ways to improve your lifestyle? Are you bored in your current role of employment? Do you think you could be achieving a lot more than you are at the moment? Are you seeking a new challenge? In this article, I advise how people can improve their lifestyle; this advice is based on my personal experiences.


I believe that we should always be looking into expanding our knowledge and never accept second best. The brain is mighty and loves to be set a new challenge or learn a new task. It is what keeps it alive and ticking over. I am sure that we have all heard of the phrase; I think this job makes me brain dead. This is where someone has a role in employment that is not challenging them or their brain, which can lead them into a state of boredom and even depression. Their mind and brains are desperate for something to get to grips with and something to test them.


I am always looking into finding new areas of life which I can learn about. I have recently been attempting to educate myself on the ins and outs of website promotion. This is something that is of great interest to me, and I wanted to find out how you can increase the number of visitors you have to a website. I have spent a great deal of time studying this area, and even though